The Last Became The First Paperback – February 10, 2016
by Julia Dennis Frazier (Author)

I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. I loved being in the city. When I met James we both had the love of the city. We both knew how to survive the urban jungle. Jimmy and I were very similar, but when we came together it was all physical. He was a young man and I was an older young woman. I had been married and had children and had been around. It could have been an ego thing on his part. He wanted me and he set out to see if he could get me. I could have been ego tripping by wanting to see if I could attract a much younger man. But, even though it was a tumultuous love affair, we fell in love with each other. But, it wasn’t a conventional relationship. We were passionate for each other but wanted to experience different things. Unfortunately, we were not going to grow with each other in matrimony, but his love was strong enough to save me from the same fate that he was going to face.
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